Textile Heaven ~ San Juan la Laguna, Guatemala

While we loved our home base of San Marcos, one village that stole our heart at Lake Atitlan was the textile heaven of San Juan la Laguna. It is really impossible to spend time in the entire country of Guatemala without becoming more than a bit obsessed with the stunning, hand done textiles.


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Our 5 Favorite Villages of Lake Atitlan

Many first time visitors to Guatemala are drawn to Lake Atitlan. What they may never suspect is how the vortex of magic that surrounds this place will draw them in, possibly forever. We came for six weeks that turned into eight weeks, that turned into eleven. As we prepare to be forced away by the date on our visa stamp, we share with you our five favorite villages around the lake.

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One More Trip Around the Sun

It’s that time again~ one more year on this trip around the sun. In past years, I have had the privilege of celebrating my birthday in some rather astonishing locations, both near and far; Paris, Mexico, Australia, and most often, the stunning beaches of Oregon. I have celebrated on a backpacker budget, and in high-style. I have celebrated with only Jim and the pups in attendance, with my dearest friends and family, and with virtual strangers.


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