Costa Rica was a country we, quite frankly, hadn’t been that excited to visit. Oh yes, we’d heard all about the lush jungles filled with exotic wildlife, but it seemed too clean, too touristy, too “ex-pat”. Well, having just returned, here is a quick photo Costa Rica preview depicting a snapshot of our two weeks roaming from the capital city to the jungles of the Caribbean coast, an untouristed small town high in the central hills, and finally the ultra-touristy Pacific.

There will be many stories to come along with some posts listing our best tips for traveling in this very popular Central American getaway.

I’ll also post up on what we found SO unexpected.

In years of traveling Mexico with long sojourns in Guatemala and Belize, we thought we knew the area and found ourselves often surprised by our surroundings, a pleasant surprise.

Enjoy this amuse-bouche of much more to come.