Foto Friday

Banteay Srei, my favorite temple among the huge complex of Angkor Wat. Built in the 10th century and made primarily of red sandstone, the carvings are of a smaller and more elaborate detail than any of the other temples, lending to a belief that it might have been mainly carved by women. Dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, it is absolutely engrossing and we could have spent many more hours exploring the site.

Two Weeks In (Bangkok)Thailand

Bangkok, Thailand… start of the backpacker trail of SE Asia. Love it or hate it, if you’re going to Asia, you WILL end up in Bangkok. We have now been there several times and I must admit, I enjoy it. Yes, it is crazy, crowded, and chaotic. An enormous city of over 8 million, Bangkok is polluted with horrific travel. And yet, there is something that always draws me back.

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