Love Bodyboarding? Here Are The Top Destinations

Bodyboarding is a super accessible form of surfing and ideal for people who want to get out on the water and start having fun immediately. What’s more, you can pretty much do it anywhere. Bodyboarding is just as fun off the coast of northern Europe as it is in Bali (although some locations are colder than others. You have been warned). 

Ocean Wave at Blue Hour

Pexels – CC0 License

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A Bucket List Weekend in Jakarta

Most travelers have a bucket list. I have been lucky enough to have checked quite a few off my personal list, but one place I have not yet reached is Jakarta. The 13,000 islands of Indonesia are astonishing, and having spent a month in serene Bali, my dreams now turn to city life. Enter Jakarta, the massive capital on Java, the mixes cultural influences from around the world.

image via Flickr by Stenly Lam

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A Restless Mind

What drives us, we nomadic types? What causes us to leave stable jobs, lovely homes, friends and family, to throw ourselves out into the world? To force discomfort upon ourselves by the mere act of having no home base, no tribe to reach to for comfort? To live a life outside our comfort zone, both mentally and literally?

Image result for quotes about satisfying wanderlust

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Lingering in Lovina

Meester Jeem, Meester Jeem. Eat here, Eat here! Each night, the calls from the local restaurants followed us down the street. Wherever we travel, few can pronounce my name, but Jim seems to be universally understood. In post bombing Bali, tourists were scarce and the local businesses were in desperate shape.

Seba's pic's 158

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