Renewing our Spirit in Kochi


Traveling in India is tough. It’s chaotic, challenging, intoxicating, gorgeous, disgusting, fantastic. The one place where I have felt more alive than any other, all senses on full overload at all times. It can inspire and invigorate, but it also often leaves you lying, helpless, in the dust, thinking, how does this strange and amazing place even exist on the same planet as home?


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Finding Beauty in Simplicity

My breath fogs the air, mixing with the morning mist, as I climb out of the camper. The morning sun is peeking through the trees, causing flashes of light to reflect off the lake. Jim and the dogs are still asleep and I stand in wonder at the absolute silence surrounding me.

At moments like this I’m always struck by the beauty of the simple things in life, and astonished by our continuing ability to ignore it’s power. We spend our lives fighting a simple life of happiness as we strive for more, bigger, better. As I sit alone in the still of the morning, my mind wanders away from this scenic lake in Oregon to reminisce about some of my favorite memories, all of which had nothing to do with grand monuments or fancy lodging, and everything to do with meeting the locals, good food, and unexpected magic.


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Taj Mahal – The Greatest Symbol of Love?

If you missed our third installment of our 18 day driving tour through Rajastan catch up with it here. Now, our final post on this amazing journey.

By this point in our drive we were, quite frankly, fed up with India. The crowds, cow traffic jams, garbage everywhere, open sewers, bad roads and chauvinistic men had caused my temper to be at the point of breaking. As we neared the end of our tour in the North we were at the point of just wanting to get it over with and head South to see if we could re-capture the magic of Incredible India. But first, the Taj Mahal, routinely viewed as the most majestic symbol of love the world has ever known. Continue reading