A Place of Dry Water

Africa, a continent of magic. Often referred to as the “Birthplace of Humanity”, it is a land that has drawn me back again and again. Of the many fascinating regions of this vast continent, one of the most compelling is Etosha National Park, set in North-central Namibia. Etosha means “place of dry water”, an excellent description. The semi-arid savannah, full of thorn scrub, is very flat and very dry. All of which equals extraordinary wildlife viewing. The park covers over 22750 KM, and is home to hundreds of species of animals.

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Happening Halong Bay

You Sing! You Sing! The karaoke microphone was thrust into Jim’s hand by the cheering crowd. Thick smoke circled the room, becoming increasingly worse as the passing tobacco bong was alternated by chain smoking cigarettes.. I sat silently, waiting to see what he would do. Singers we are not, but faced with such enthusiasm, it would be hard to resist.

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Cape Lookout in Pictures

We have been busy getting the Black Dog Chronicles up and running in the last week or two, but I wanted to get a brief post off showing a recent weekend at Cape Lookout in pictures. A more detailed post will follow but for now- enjoy the perfection of fall camping in Oregon.



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Foto Friday

Africa is filled with dozens of tribal factions, one of the most well known being the Masai. At each village we visited we were honored by a traditional dance from the women, followed by the jumping ritual of the men. There are many magic moments in travel, but surely spending time among these fascinating people ranks near the top.

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