Africa is a place we been to a couple of times now, but one of the most memorable trips we have ever experienced was our three months overlanding from Nairobi to Cape Town. Traveling through seven countries and covering thousands of miles, we got to experience an Africa that few ever do. Yes, we still get excited at seeing wildlife, and always will. The mere glimpse of something even as mundane as a herd of Impala, still brings a smile to my face and a faster beat to my heart.
Embracing Airlie Beach
Before we left on our round-the-world, Australia was high on our list of must-see spots. However, four weeks into our East coast road-trip from Byron Bay towards Cairns, we just weren’t feeling it. Tired of long days of driving and exorbitant prices, we were heading North to see friends in Port Douglas, but still searching for the magic we had been hoping for. Continue reading
Life Remotely Expedition Tongs ~ a Campers Must Have!
As frequent campers, we are always in search of the right tools. With all of our extensive BBQing, dutch oven cooking, and campfires, tongs are an often used, and handy tool. Thus, we were thrilled to see our friends at Life Remotely had come up with the ultimate expedition tongs. Apparently bored after completing their drive down the PanAm Highway and finishing their wonderful camp cookbook, Forks in the Road, they decided to create the perfect tong duo.
Holiday in Goa
Any long term traveler knows that if you have been on the road for any length of time, standards shift. Standards in hotel rooms, safety concerns and, well, it has to be said, personal hygiene. While we have never been particularly fussy regarding our accommodations, by the time we arrived in Goa, India, we were simply thrilled to have a beachfront room, even if it was of questionable design.
A Day at the Beach
As I stepped out of the camper, I saw Jim already had a warming fire roaring. Porter, luxuriating in the warmth of his new coat, lay curled up on his camp pad asleep. Aspen inched closer to my chair, ever the lap Lab, wanting to be as close as possible.
UP ~ A Love Story
Two young kids, longing for adventure, meet up in an abandoned house, the lone members of the “Spirit of Adventure” club. They grow up, marry, and dream of traveling to Paradise Falls in South America. But, reality intervenes, and each time their savings jar is filling, a problem occurs, a broken down car, a hospital visit, you know, adult stuff.
Snowy Days to Relish
Snow days. A rarity in Portland. Having grown up in small town Minnesota, I am familiar with bad winter weather. It’s a big part of the reason I no longer live there. Here in Oregon, where we are quite famous for our dreary, rainy winters, and any real accumulation of snow is a bit of excitement.
Foto Friday
The doors of the world are varied and exotic. I could fill calendar after calendar of photos of them I have taken from all over the world, but many of my favorites belong to India. The one is particularly interesting in that it is both a very large door and a very small one! A predecessor of our modern dog door, perhaps?
The Land Down Under
Australia, that enchanting land down under, where everyone has a great accent, looks like Hugh Jackman, and life is a beach. Or is it? I only recently realized in the 190-plus blogs I have posted on Next Big Adventure, only one has been about Australia, and that was simply a foto-Friday of Whitehaven Beach. Why, after spending over six weeks driving the East Coast of the country, did I feel compelled to write nothing???~