The light rising over the bay bathed us in light, but it was the waves that had woken me. Not crashing onto the beach but like a whisper. Similar to belly breathing in Yoga with a long deep inhale culminating in a soft exhale. Thus began another day in paradise. This is life on the Baja.
Things To Do In Oregon Wine Country
Since we’re all stuck at home these days we need to dream of what adventures we’ll be on when life returns to normal. Check out a few options for Oregon Wine Country!
The Willamette Valley in Oregon contains over 19,000 acres of vineyards, which has earned it the name “Oregon Wine Country”. However, there is much more to this beautiful 150-mile long valley than just vineyards. Here are 6 fun activities you and your family can enjoy while visiting
this interesting region.
Once In A Lifetime Transport Experiences
When you are picking your next travel experience and looking for once in a lifetime experiences, rarely will that exciting experience be how you get to your destination. The actual act of traveling is not something that is usually seen as exciting; it is just the necessary way that you get to your chosen destination. But traveling doesn’t have to just be a means to an end; it can be an exciting experience all of its own. Here are some once in a lifetime travel experiences that you might want to try and include in your next trip:
Countdown to Another Baja Amigo’s Caravan
Our itchy feet are soon to be rewarded as our compass once again heads southward. The last seven months is the longest we’ve stayed in any one spot for the last four years and we are feeling it! Luckily, having negotiated a 59-day leave of absence each winter allows us to stay in touch with the wanderlust that is core to our true selves.
How To Plan The Next Camping Trip The Right Way
Are you thinking about going camping? This can be a great option, particularly, if you are looking to spend some quality time with the family. It’s also going to be your chance to get back in touch with nature and fully appreciate the outdoors. However, there are some steps that you should take to make sure that you are preparing for a camping trip the right way. Here are some tips that we certainly recommend.
8 Asian Islands to Explore for an Unforgettable Holiday
When it comes to exploring Asian destinations, a lot of people think of big countries such as China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and so on. However, there’s a lot of untapped potential in the islands that surround these locations. Dotted around the waters of Asia are dozens of exotic islands that are just waiting to be discovered, so we’re going to list eight of our favorites that you should definitely consider visiting for an unforgettable holiday.
Source: (CC0)
These Tips will Help you to Plan the Ultimate US Road Trip
If you want to plan the ultimate US road trip, then it’s important that you take the right precautions. If you don’t then you may end up making a few mistakes along the way that really compromise your experience.
Decide who’s Going to Come
Think about who you’d like to come along for the journey, whether it’s your family, your best friend or even your partner. When you have done this, you can then start to plan out some of the places you would like to visit. You can also figure out how many times you are going to have to stop, and what foods you are going to be packing for the journey as well.
Seize The Day & Bring Your Travel Dreams To Life
“Do not dare not to dare.”
The quote, attributed to C. S. Lewis, is the perfect motto to live your life and start a brand new year – and decade. It’s also the perfect mantra for a traveler.
Can you afford not to dare any longer? Indeed, this is the question you ought to ask yourself. While there is no denying that everybody has valid reasons to stay at home and reject the tantalizing exploration of the world, the truth is that you don’t want to be lying on your deathbed with your mind full of regrets. Travel makes memories, and daring to travel is the promise of stories and anecdotes to keep you entertained and put you back in the driving seat of your life. It’s time to make 2020 the year of daring by understanding what’s stopping your travel plans.
1477 Days on the Road ~ Welcome to a Year of Transition
Four years and 17 days ago we drove away from Jim’s parent’s house in Salem, Oregon heading south. The plan was to spend a couple of years driving the PanAmerican Highway, working on my writing, and explore in-depth a new-to-us continent. As the sun sets on one decade it is clear that having such a plan rarely works out exactly as we expect. Today I write this from a campground in Coos Bay, Oregon somewhere we never thought we’d end up having not yet made it to South America. As the saying goes…the best-laid plans.
Planning For Family Travel
“Travelling with family is like collecting happiness and recreating memories.” Shreyanshi
Traveling as a family is one of the best ways of making memories. We all live such busy lives that it can be incredibly difficult to spend some real quality time together. However, taking a vacation can be the perfect way to get everyone back together and reconnect as a family. You take time off from your job, you change the scenery, and you have the chance to be together without all the typical day to day stresses.
The problem that a lot of families face is planning and making sure that they have foreseen everything and have everything in place ready to make sure that their trip goes smoothly. If you have young children, sometimes the hassle of getting ready for a vacation can almost feel like it is not worth it. Fear not, however, as we have put together some tips to help traveling with children become a little easier.