Camping Nehalem Bay – Will it rain or will it not? That is the question!

We are having a crappy start to summer her in Oregon. Damp, cool, not ideal camping weather. However, we had reservations at Nehalem Bay this past weekend with our friend Ron so what to do? GO CAMPING!

To be honest, we had both had a long week at work. We were sitting in bad Friday night traffic trying to get home to pick up the camper and Maddy. It was pouring down rain. Continue reading

A Timeless Journey through Rajastan, or, what happens when you’re scammed in India.

Rajastan – The name along evokes images of camel caravans, bearded desert Bedouins touting sabers, and incense soaked markets. I’ve split our story of Rajastan into four separate posts, the area is too overwhelming to be confined to just one.

Camel carts in Rajastan

We arrived in India at midnight, the unfortunate time of many international arriving flights. After two hours in the dank, decrepit Delhi airport, we had our bags and exited the airport into the chill of the night. Shocked and discombobulated by the hundreds of touts and taxi drivers vying for our attention we chose one and were off to our hotel. Or so we thought. Continue reading