UP ~ A Love Story

Two young kids, longing for adventure, meet up in an abandoned house, the lone members of the “Spirit of Adventure” club. They grow up, marry, and dream of traveling to Paradise Falls in South America. But, reality intervenes, and each time their savings jar is filling, a problem occurs, a broken down car, a hospital visit, you know, adultĀ stuff.


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Winter Camping at it’s Best

We are not shy about proclaiming our great love for off-season camping. Nearly empty campgrounds and open beaches bring a smile to our face and joy to our heart. Add in a full moon, mid-50’s temps and no rain (in Oregon in January!) and we were in. For the first time in nearly two years we were joined by Jim’s sister Wendy, her husband and Jim’s best friend, Ken, and their two furbabies, Jenny and Lexi. Ken had recently returned from his second deployment in two years and also included a few of people in his unit, who joined in with their families.



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Foto Friday

Now, in mid-winter, I am feeling housebound and contained, wanting to be out hiking in the wilderness, sitting around a campfire, and sleeping that deep sleep that comes after a day in nature. Here, an inspiring memory of hiking Mt. Cook, New Zealand, surely one of the most beautiful places in the world. I can’t wait for that next “first steps” on the trail feeling.

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