The Difference Between the Life You Live and the Live you Choose

On our quest for a life less ordinary, we are always searching out those who inspire us, whether it be fellow travelers, authors, or even movies. We thrive on others who are CHOOSING their life, rather than following the path of least resistance.

Over the course of our journey we have received a great deal of support from friends and family, even when they didn’t understand our motivations.

We have just as often dealt with the cynicism of the majority. The naysayers who said we were crazy. The critics who “knew” all would end in tragedy. The negative voices who whispered phrases such as “this must be a mid-life crisis”. Continue reading

Fijian Fun

Our porter, an enormous man wearing a traditional sulu, pointed to the right and said “your room is that direction”. We headed off at our normal, harried, city pace and rounded two corners before we realized we’d left him, and our bags, in the dust. Not knowing where our room was, we backtracked to find him sauntering down the path with a smile on his face that indicated he was familiar with westerners needing to take a bit to adapt to the (very) slow pace of Fijian life.

Frazzled? Yes, we were. Continue reading

The Power of a Sundowner

Around the world, Sundown is a time of reverence. People pause for a moment in their day to pay homage to the power of mother nature and acknowledge the continuance of life, moving into the next day.

On thing we miss here at home is the USA is the practice of a sundowner, taking a few minutes to stop and enjoy the moment. We have made a commitment to re-introduce this into our daily habit and appreciate the passing of another day, the blessing of being alive, and the respect for the cycle of life.

We had many miraculous sundowners in the course of our life, and here we’ll share a few of our favorites whether the moment be in Zanzibar, off the coast of East Africa:


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Foto Friday

For our first foto Friday we bring you a picture of one of the most amazing spots on earth, Angkor Wat, Cambodia. Cambodia, as a whole, moved us more than nearly anywhere else we have ever traveled. This photo is of the ruins of Bayon, famous for the thousands of faces carved into the stone.