A Weekend Away

“We’re sorry, but we’re not going to make it this weekend”. The words rang hollow as we prepared to head to the beach for a weekend of camping with friends. Barview Jetty was the destination to join our dear friends Ron and Dario. Our friends Dave and Anne decided they would come along. Next Dario’s childhood friend Sheila and her boyfriend Randy thought they would make the trip as well. But on Thursday afternoon, Ron let it be known that they would not be joining us.


Having sold their campervan on Wednesday, rather than sacrificing personal comfort to sleep in a tent and be with us, they chose to spend their weekend shopping for a new trailer.

Traitors in our midst!

Traitors in our midst!


DSCN1638_1192The rest of us, of course, rallied on. Dave and Anne took over their campsite, which was right next to us. Somehow, we forced  ourselves to go on, taking advantage of the fantastic weekend weather. In spite of ourselves, we managed to devour Dave and Anne’s amazing breakfast and, if I do say so myself, my dutch oven chicken enchiladas were spectacular.




While we campers spent our Friday night eating pizza and drinking good red wine around the campfire, being such good friends, we had to good naturedly bad mouth Ron and Dario for declining to join us for the weekend! Their ears must have been burning, as I received a text that evening that said “Really You think we can’t hear you talking about us?” It is so heartening to have these friendships that have spanned decades.



Long walks on the beach, napping and simply enjoying the company of friends. Yet another fantastic weekend at camp. Ron and Dario succeeded in their shopping mission, purchasing a new and fancy trailer that we will get to see in a mere two weeks time. I can’t wait.


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