What We Ate in Bangkok

If you’ve been wondering about all those bowls of great soup and noodles you saw on our Instagram page, here is a bit about what we ate in Bangkok.

It’s been years since we’ve been to Thailand and we were beyond thrilled to find that the food was as extraordinary as we remembered….and as inexpensive.

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The Pacific Ocean Was Calling

Costa Rica’s highlands were magical but after a few days, the Pacific Ocean was Calling.

We headed south from Orosi along the Pan-American Highway. This section of the highway reaches over 10,000′ in elevation before winding its way down to San Isidro de el General as Jim & I dreamed of continuing south to complete our journey started several years ago. Instead, we took a hard right and headed towards the Pacific Ocean.

Wine glasses at sunset
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Touring the Orosi Valley

When planning our trip to Costa Rica, I knew one highlight for me would be a couple of days touring the Orosi Valley. This lush valley set only two hours from the capital features a small town surrounded by adventure.

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Lazy Days in Tortuguero Village

When we were researching our trip to Costa Rica we knew we wanted to get deep into the mangrove jungle and see some wildlife while enjoying a few lazy days, and Tortuguero Village fit the bill.

After experiencing the taxi/bus/bus/boat route we eagerly arrived at the village, threw our backpacks on, and followed the host of other travelers into town from the dock. We didn’t have far to go as Tortuguero is a tiny, swampy town in the country’s Northeast. Sitting on a slender peninsula between the Caribbean Sea and the canal we traveled on, we took in the friendly scene while walking to our guesthouse, a host of local dogs trailing along.

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Where to Stay in San Jose, Costa Rica ~

Looking for a great hotel choice? Here is our choice in San Jose, Costa Rica.

One of the first steps in planning any getaway is deciding on a place to stay. In a large capital city like San Jose, there are literally hundreds of hotels, apartments, hostels, and Airbnb as options.

We could, of course, have gone with one of the big chain hotels that dot the city as regularly as Mcdonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises. However dependable such a choice is for a one-nighter in a strange city, chain hotels have never been our vibe.

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Costa Rica ~ First the Facts

So, you’re looking to plan a trip to Costa Rica? Here are some fun facts to help you plan your itinerary.

Costa Rica sits comfortably between Nicaragua and Panama in Central America and is home to a little over 5 million people, with over 50,000 of those being American ex-pats. It has long been touted as one of the most biologically diverse and beautiful countries in the region and is home to an astonishing array of wildlife.

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A Costa Rica Preview

Costa Rica was a country we, quite frankly, hadn’t been that excited to visit. Oh yes, we’d heard all about the lush jungles filled with exotic wildlife, but it seemed too clean, too touristy, too “ex-pat”. Well, having just returned, here is a quick photo Costa Rica preview depicting a snapshot of our two weeks roaming from the capital city to the jungles of the Caribbean coast, an untouristed small town high in the central hills, and finally the ultra-touristy Pacific.

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Don’t Get off the Bus

Recently we’ve been feeling in a bit of a funk. With a long and busy high season behind us life had slowed down at work but we were finding ourselves spending every weekend with errands, doctor’s appointments, and the like and began to fully realize how errant we were in not planning a fall vacation. With Costa Rica still two months away…an eternity when in a funk, and fall weather turning to winter my mood was grim.

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