The light rising over the bay bathed us in light, but it was the waves that had woken me. Not crashing onto the beach but like a whisper. Similar to belly breathing in Yoga with a long deep inhale culminating in a soft exhale. Thus began another day in paradise. This is life on the Baja.
Category Archives: beaches
Countdown to Another Baja Amigo’s Caravan
Our itchy feet are soon to be rewarded as our compass once again heads southward. The last seven months is the longest we’ve stayed in any one spot for the last four years and we are feeling it! Luckily, having negotiated a 59-day leave of absence each winter allows us to stay in touch with the wanderlust that is core to our true selves.
8 Asian Islands to Explore for an Unforgettable Holiday
When it comes to exploring Asian destinations, a lot of people think of big countries such as China, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore and so on. However, there’s a lot of untapped potential in the islands that surround these locations. Dotted around the waters of Asia are dozens of exotic islands that are just waiting to be discovered, so we’re going to list eight of our favorites that you should definitely consider visiting for an unforgettable holiday.
Source: (CC0)
Aspen Update ~ Coping with an Aging Furbaby
Aging. It is inevitable and challenging in any form. Many of you are aware that Aspen is on the decline. While she is still mostly smiling and enjoying her day’s life has most decidedly slowed down. Way down. Daily doses of Dasuquin with MSM and Rimadyl coupled with twice-monthly Adequan injections are keeping our baby girl as comfortable as possible.
Love Bodyboarding? Here Are The Top Destinations
Bodyboarding is a super accessible form of surfing and ideal for people who want to get out on the water and start having fun immediately. What’s more, you can pretty much do it anywhere. Bodyboarding is just as fun off the coast of northern Europe as it is in Bali (although some locations are colder than others. You have been warned).
10 Wild Travel Destinations For Animal Lovers
Love animals and travel? Here are 10 destinations that could allow you to get up and close with some of the world’s most exotic and rate wildlife.
Making time for fun in Bandon, Oregon
Our 5 Favorite Fish Dishes on Oregon’s Adventure Coast
One of the prime benefits of being back on the stunning coastline of Oregon is the abundance of fresh seafood. Over the last couple of winters in Baja we’ve been spoiled with fresh fish but of the warm-weather variety. Back here in often blustery Oregon we are once again indulging in such delicacies as fresh crab and oysters along with several types of clams, tuna, and Pacific salmon.
Our Five Favorite State Parks in Oregon
Dawn was just breaking in the sky as I stirred awake. Aspen and Jim continued to snore softly as I contemplated the beginning of a new day. This morning musing brought the realization that for the first time in over one year I felt totally and completely relaxed and at peace.
Visitors in Abundance
Camp life continues to roll along and we are shocked to realize it is already nearly mid-September. Along with hundreds of guests, we have been fortunate enough to have plenty of our own visitors in the form of family and dear friends. It’s no secret that in large part our decision to return to Oregon to work was the opportunity to be able to spend more time with our tribe and believe me, our hearts are full!