We are somewhat experts at the art of Goodbye. Although these past few years have brought this even more into the forefront of the life we lead, it has been the case for a very long time.
Category Archives: inspiration
Changes Afoot
In just a few days we will, once again, hit the road. For as is our life, changes are always afoot. This time around it’s a known entity, trading the ever-changing day-to-day life at camp for a road trip of discovery.
Our New Home~ An Introduction
After the teaser photos on social media here is the post that you all asked for~ interior photos of our new home.
The Universe Speaks~
For those readers who also follow us on social media you already know that this blog is behind in news. As in unprecedentedly behind. In nearly ten years of blogging and two years living a nomadic lifestyle and spending time traveling extensively I was always only a week or two behind on the blog. Well, let’s just say 2017 threw us into a tailspin in which the universe spoke to us in a fully unexpected way. And when the universe speaks- you listen!
Greek Islands – Where to Go and How to Get There
Anyone with the travel bug like us will love exploring new places. Today I want to introduce you to some of the Greek Islands in Southern Europe and, hopefully, inspire you to book your next holiday on one of them (or more!). With over 200 islands inhabited in the Aegean and Ionian Seas, it’s hard to discover which one is right for you as each one lends itself to a different type of vacation, so here is an overview of my top four.
Of Masks and Mountains~ Taking time for Zacatecas
I paused to catch my breath, leaning forward to brace my hands on my knees. A small waterfall of sweat cascaded down my back as I sucked wind. Even after months spent living in the hills above 5000ft elevation, the mountainous city that is Zacatecas, set at just over 8000 ft, was becoming my nemesis.
New Years and New Plans
We left our stunning lakeside retreat at Lagos de Colon and headed for San Cristobal for Christmas. New Years called for new plans, but we had fallen in love with this city on the way south, and heading north found her no less magical. That is other than the fireworks Christmas Eve that went on for nearly seven hours straight.
Trekking Northward with Trepidition
I craned my neck, searching for one last glimpse of Lake Atitlan, perhaps the most magical places I had ever been. Luckily, the drive out of the lake was greatly improved from our entry nearly three months earlier and soon my sights were focused on making the border.
Learning Permaculture at Atitlan Organics on Lake Atitlan
Lake Atitlan draws you in. We forcibly drug ourselves away just before our visa expired, but numerous travelers we shared time with remain, unable to leave this spot so filled with magic and mystery.
The Clouds over Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Of all of the numerous things we miss about Lake Atitlan, one that we miss most is days spent simply watching the cloud formations change over the lake.