Floral Beauty in Costa Rica

We adore the flowers of the tropics, and the floral beauty in Costa Rica is extraordinary. Although I love flowers and gardens, I admit to being mostly ignorant of the names and details but am more than happy to take endless photos.

Enjoy this display of some of the glories of the country.

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Even in urban San Jose, it was possible to find brilliance around every corner.

The stunning displays only got better as we headed west to the Caribbean. As we slowly worked our way through the mangrove swamps teeming with life, the colorful tropical vegetation was on display.

In Tortuguero Village, my traveling crew became frustrated with my slow pace but I couldn’t resist stopping often in awe of the natural beauty surrounding me.

One photo even captured an unexpected, and I’m told, non-venomous friend.

After we left the coast and headed into the hills to Orisi Valley the floral display remained vibrant with different varietals and our stop at the Lankester Botanical Gardens was one of many highlights of our time in the country.

During our winding road towards the coast, this time the Pacific, the visual display continued.

Costa Rica is well worth a visit for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is nature on display around every bend.

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Costa Rica’s Capital in Photos

We have to be honest, San Jose, Costa Rica’s capital, didn’t win our hearts but did lend itself to some intriguing photos. We did appreciate the pleasant climate combined with the color and vitality that is so evident in Latin American cultures. It’s easy enough to make a list of things to see and do in San Jose but we’re going to simply share our favorite moments in photos to inspire you to head to this stunning country and find your own magic.

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Where to Stay in San Jose, Costa Rica ~

Looking for a great hotel choice? Here is our choice in San Jose, Costa Rica.

One of the first steps in planning any getaway is deciding on a place to stay. In a large capital city like San Jose, there are literally hundreds of hotels, apartments, hostels, and Airbnb as options.

We could, of course, have gone with one of the big chain hotels that dot the city as regularly as Mcdonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken franchises. However dependable such a choice is for a one-nighter in a strange city, chain hotels have never been our vibe.

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Costa Rica ~ First the Facts

So, you’re looking to plan a trip to Costa Rica? Here are some fun facts to help you plan your itinerary.

Costa Rica sits comfortably between Nicaragua and Panama in Central America and is home to a little over 5 million people, with over 50,000 of those being American ex-pats. It has long been touted as one of the most biologically diverse and beautiful countries in the region and is home to an astonishing array of wildlife.

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A Costa Rica Preview

Costa Rica was a country we, quite frankly, hadn’t been that excited to visit. Oh yes, we’d heard all about the lush jungles filled with exotic wildlife, but it seemed too clean, too touristy, too “ex-pat”. Well, having just returned, here is a quick photo Costa Rica preview depicting a snapshot of our two weeks roaming from the capital city to the jungles of the Caribbean coast, an untouristed small town high in the central hills, and finally the ultra-touristy Pacific.

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Don’t Get off the Bus

Recently we’ve been feeling in a bit of a funk. With a long and busy high season behind us life had slowed down at work but we were finding ourselves spending every weekend with errands, doctor’s appointments, and the like and began to fully realize how errant we were in not planning a fall vacation. With Costa Rica still two months away…an eternity when in a funk, and fall weather turning to winter my mood was grim.

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Embracing the Uncomfortable

The crisp morning air caused me to snuggle deeper into my sleeping bag and Ryder and Jim continued to snooze in peace. The heat from our bodies formed thick condensation in contrast to the cool and it was tempting to ignore my body’s nudge to make a break for the portapot located a short distance away.

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Vallarta Food Tours ~ Eat + Explore = Exceptional Experiences

Although we’ve traveled to Puerto Vallarta dozens of times and called the city home for a bit in 2016 until the last trip we’d never taken advantage of one of the very popular walking food tours put on by Vallarta Food Tours. I wish we hadn’t taken so long! What a great few hours with new friends wandering and eating our way through several neighborhoods.

After a light breakfast of street tamales, we headed to nearby Lazaro Cardenas Park at 1030am to meet our group. Our fearless leader was Joana, a native of Puerto Vallarta. We all chatted as we headed to our first stop for breakfast tacos. Yes, for everyone not familiar with truly authentic Mexican cuisine, breakfast tacos are a thing!

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In Honor of an Adventure Dog

The rain increased as I stumbled along the path, tripping over tree roots. Confused, I realized I’d made a wrong turn somewhere along the way and turned to correct the path when I saw a group of men approaching in the ever-darkening Guatemalan evening. I continued forward while trying to project confidence with Aspen glued to my side. I uttered a greeting as we passed the group and received long stares in response before their gaze turned to the large black dog at my side. I hurried her along the path and arrived safely at the villa shortly after, my nerves totally shot. The saying goes “Who saved Who?” in the world of dog adoptions but in that instance, I was absolutely certain it was she who saved me. 

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Adventure in the time of Covid

What does adventure mean to you? Is it a weekend away to a new destination? Perhaps adventure to you means just pushing boundaries beyond your normal comfort zone. We have always gotten an incredible high from waking up in a new country or location with no idea how the day would play out. 2020 is not that year.

The official definition of adventure even adds in a bit of danger.


an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. Especially the exploration of unknown territory.

During these last few months of time spent close to home, we have found ourselves endlessly discussing past adventures while craving for our own next big adventure. We’ve scoured the pages of this blog reliving the countries and continents we’ve explored and missing all those we’ve met along the way.

Recently a friend shared this quote: “Now is not the time to lament what we can not do, but embrace what we can do”. So true in this year of disruption on so many levels.

While BIG plans are in the works with more info to come about later, we have managed to have a few short trips up and down the Oregon coast. While the unusual and dangerous elements may have been missing, there is no question that this scenic route is one of the most spectacular we’ve ever driven.

Meanderings both north and south delivered on stunning vistas, magnificent empty beaches where masks and social distancing were unnecessary discussions, along with some damn good seafood.

Saturday we leave for our next mini-vacation with a two-week jaunt through Central Oregon hanging for a few days each in several of our favorite campgrounds and enjoy days of leisure. The only things on the agenda are sleeping in, days spent on the lake, and lots of R&R.

I suspect I’ll even read a book, or five. The majority of our time will be out of touch, fully unconnected from the chaos and dysfunction that is 2020.

New adventures await and one day our plans will again include international travel and far-flung locales. One day we will hug our friends close and enjoy group outings.

For now, we relish our time together. For now, we are grateful daily that our sweet baby girl is still with us and smiling daily. For now, we appreciate that we work in one of the few travel industry jobs that is actually thriving. For now, we take one day at a time dreaming of adventures to come.